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Prices of polyester swimming pools and a list of basic elements of equipment for polyester swimming pools in one place.
Kje delujemoWe operate in the border zone with Italy from Trieste to Udine (cca 20 km from the SLO/IT border), in Slovenia at the shore till Ljubljana, in Gorenjska and Dolenjska region and in the entire territory of Istria till Rijeka.
Where We Are

For other areas please visit www.royaldolphin.info
For any additional information on the other types of swimming pools, water treatment, Whirlpools and additional equipment please visit our company's web site www.titro.si (in Slovene and Italian language only)
Royal Dolphin Swimming pools
TITRO swimming pools
Galerija slik poliestrski bazeni

Polyester swimming pools

Swimming pools made of polyester (polyester swimming pools) are extremely beautifully shaped and their angles are smooth and rounded. But the great advantage of polyester swimming pools is their simple construction and maintenance as well as long duration. Therefore the sell and construction of polyester swimming pools are in constant increase.

Polyester swimmning pool advantages

In Western Europe the polyester swimming pools are among best sold pools, mostly because of very convenient price and almost unbelievably quick construction.

The easiest way to check the convenience of the price of polyester swimming pools is to ask the building contractors about the price of construction of concrete pool of the same dimensions (of course including the waterproof layer and ceramic tiles), or pool made of blocks (Liner system - construction works + PVC foil) and compare the prices.

You will be surprised to find out that polyester swimming pool can be a lot cheaper, especially considering the shape of the pool. The biggest difference in prices is with oval pools and pools with steps.

Polyester swimming pools - more information »

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Construction of polyester swimming pool

Please read about installing the polyester swimming pool to different bases (concrete or gravel) and which are the advantages and requirements for each type of installation. You can see the whole procedure of the installation in the video!

Polyester swimming pool construction procedure »

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